Deed of Retirement of a Trustee


A Deed of Retirement of a Trustee is a legal document that allows a trustee to retire from their role in a trust. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a trustee no longer being able to carry out their duties, or if they wish to step down from their role.


A Deed of Retirement of a Trustee is a legal document that allows a trustee to retire from their role in a trust. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a trustee no longer being able to carry out their duties, or if they wish to step down from their role.

The Deed of Retirement of a Trustee must be signed by the trustee who is retiring, as well as any other trustees of the trust. It is important that the deed is drafted carefully to ensure that the trustee’s retirement does not negatively impact the operation of the trust. For example, the deed should set out how the trustee’s duties and responsibilities will be transferred to the remaining trustees or a replacement trustee.